Good day, dear visitors of the blog! Full and happy relationship is impossible to imagine without the intimate life. To satisfy the woman in bed depends on his mental balance and behavior.
But because in the more harmonious, at first glance, the relationships, sometimes there is no sexual desire? In reality, the reasons behind this phenomenon, that is enough. Here it plays a huge role, as a physiological and psychological.
The lack of sexual desire in women, but not the fault of the spouse. Today will help you to understand why it happens.

During the orgasm, with physiological point of view, it occurs the contraction of the uterus and of the vagina, which ends with satisfaction. The partner can experience during sexual intercourse one or more orgasms.
If a woman cold in bed, no emotions, then call it frigid. Some frigid women, there is an aversion to sexual process.
Libido - called sexual desire. The flowering he represented the age of about twenty years, sometimes sooner.
The sexual life of the partners was born with the desire, which form in the brain. The stronger sex appears through visual images, a good part of the population is associated with romance and actions. After the desire appears to be excitement, then starts the process directly, closeness, and everything ends with an orgasm. The most serious problem, that is the most difficult therapy.
Because it disappears the desire in women?
I have already said that the causes of lack of libido are divided into two categories. Consider the physiological side:
- Crash the hormonal system. Libido responds to a hormone called testosterone. Today there is a trend in the reduction. You female part of the population, decrease in libido can be due to the influence of the hormone prolactin. In the period of breast-feeding in women we observe the loss of libido.
- Age processes. The loss or weakening of desire occurs in women during menopause. At this time the integrity of the ovaries begins to decrease, causing estrogen are produced in small quantities. The process becomes painful because of the lack of lubrication. Many stop to have a sexual life, continuing to live normally, and to rejoice.
- Pathological conditions. These include such conditions as diabetes, diseases of the genitourinary system, and many others.
- The style of life. The nicotine, the alcohol, the drugs inhibit the libido. They act on the nerve endings in the brain that are responsible for the libido. The priority is the satisfaction of the listed habits.
- The contraction of the muscles of the vagina, which can be painful for both partners. Often the cause of this was serving suffered sexual violence.
- Sex diseases. They are often create discomfort in the area of external intimate organs and the vagina.
The psychological aspect
Women often lacks the desire to be in relation with the heavy transferred situations, for example, the failure of the first sexual relations, violence, the birth of a child.
Many women who have grown up very strictly, they are ashamed open to the feelings and the emotions of the partners. They are afraid to seem to him vulgar, etc. there are Often cases in which after marriage, women have sex only in the dark or in clothes. You also lose the desire because of a resentment that is hidden from the ex-partner.

At the beginning of dating, and at first the relationships between the people, there is an interest and a strong attraction. This promotes the chemical processes in the brain, resulting in increase passion and increase the desire. All of this leads to a natural penis in the process without the need for further activation of the desire.
Personality problems that occur due to the imposed opinion of society, of parents and of other people, and also as a result of psychological traumas, and in time can overlap the strong attraction to a partner. But with time, this spark disappears, and the problems return.
Constant conflicts and disagreements between the spouses, which occur in the course of their entire lives together, they play an important role in the loss of sexual desire. Some people tend long time to keep itself in anger, which because of the completely disables the sexual attraction.
For a good part of the population, it is important to receive compliments, flowers and gifts after the wedding and many years of life together. Women have a huge need in the emotional development of the relationship to the sexual contact. The men of this need appears after intimate encounters.
Love sex and must be in harmony in a relationship. If in a couple prevails in the most platonic and the spiritual bond, then the sexual desire goes according to plan, and vice versa.
With the passing of years among the people arises from the trust, mutual understanding, but suffers from the intimate life. In its report, the people in private, in this way, they may want the intimacy with someone else, remaining faithful to his partner.
Plays an important role also the physical attraction. After the marriage women and men should not stop taking care. They must comply with the rules of hygiene, monitor your weight, hairstyle, make-up, clothing style, skin condition, etc.
In a relationship where you don't know what it is to be inspired by the look, the facial expressions, the movements, the smell of the partner, there is no satisfaction. To distinguish some parts of the DNA, which create the attraction between the partners. So, we are most un sexy in ones personality that they have custom and is not attributable to us the style of clothing and behavior, that we really like. But the interests and points of view on life among these people will not match.
The solution of the problem
The woman is not always able to understand his desire. The lord pose a lot of questions about how not to bring the marriage to divorce. For some, the best solution will be the visit to a psychologist or sexologist.
The specialist will research, will talk with you, will take into consideration the problem from all angles, determine the cause of loss of libido and find an effective way to solve the problem. This can be an ordinary consultation, different techniques, therapeutic handling, medicine, dance-movement action, and so on. The trader defines, on which the customer has need to work on.
The treatment of reduced libido is a certain degree of complexity. If you managed to install properly the cause, then you need therapy of the main disease.
In any case, it is useful to start to lead a healthy lifestyle, quit drinking, get enough sleep and dwell in a state of stillness of the spirit. All of these activities are aimed at improving the levels of the hormone in a natural way. I have obtained excellent results in this sense, so I know of what I speak.
Useful to perform a series of exercises, aimed at strengthening coccygeal muscles and the pelvic floor muscles. This stimulates the excitation due to increase circulation. Also Kegel exercises can be every day for this purpose.
And, finally, will reveal another way to get the sexual interest to the partner, in a natural way. Just do yoga.

As is well known, all the exercises of yoga are accompanied by a deep and conscious breathing. Do you do before you go to sleep, a series of exercises, exercise, breathing properly, and after, the same breath of the belly use during intimacy, you'll be amazed at how it works!
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